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2022-ci ilin yanvar ayı üzrə UNEC tədqiqatçılarının 38 elmi əsəri nüfuzlu elmi nəşr platformalarında indesklənib. Bu elmi əsərlərin 24-ü Scopusda, 14-ü isə Web of Science bazalarında yer alıb.

Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universiteti (UNEC) tədqiqatçıları nüfuzlu elmi platformalarda indekslənən elmi nəşrlərə əsərlərini təqdim edərkən mənsub olduğu ali təhsil müəssisəsi kimi “Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)” qeyd etməlidir.  Belə ki, tədqiqatçıların Scopus və Web of Science bazalarındakı müəllif profilləri onların elmi əsərləri bu bazada indeksləndiyi zaman Clarivate Analytics və Elsevier şirkətləri tərəfindən yaradılır. Bununla yanaşı eyni soyadlı, adlı tədqiqatçıların nəşr fəaliyyətindəki kəmiyyət, keyfiyyət göstəricilərində, müəllif profillərində və mənsub olduğu universitetlərdə əks olunmada qarışıqlığın yaranmaması üçün tədqiqatçılar tərəfindən ORCID və Publons profillərinin yaradılması məqsədəuyğundur.

  1. Ibragimova, S.I., Jabarov, S.H., Aliyev, Y.I., Dang, N.T. Investigation of the polyhedral structure of Ga 0. 5 in 1. 5 Se 3 by analytical methods- Modern Physics Letters B, art. no. 2150575. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 02.01.2022 Scopus)
  2. Sadik-Zada, E.R., Niklas, B. Business Cycles and Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from a Nonlinear Panel ARDL Approach-Journal of Wine Economics. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 03.01.2022 Scopus)
  3. Ahmadov, F., Mirzayeva, G., Mammadov, I.
    Competitiveness analysis of the tourism sector in azerbaijan and the clustering problem
    -Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 12(8), pp. 2240-2250. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 05.01.2022 Scopus)
  4. Mayis, G.G., Shafa, G.T., Leyla, H.A., Hijran, M.R., Ulker, M.I. Estimation of tourism demand and supply functions for Azerbaijan: 2sls approach- WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 18, art. no. 119, pp. 1280-1290. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 06.01.2022 Scopus)
  5. Agarwal, R.P., Shakhmurov, V.B. Integral type Cauchy problem for abstract wave equations and applications -Applicable Analysis. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 07.01.2022 Scopus)
  6. Valiyev, A., Huseynov, A., Gadimli, N., Huseynov, I., Elmar, A. A Practical Model To Implementing Ifrs In The National Accounting System: The Case Of Azerbaijan-Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 8(4), pp. 585-598. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 07.01.2022 Scopus)
  7. Shakhmurov, V.B., Shahmurov, R.
    Regularity properties and blow-up of the solutions for improved Boussinesq equations

    Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2021, art. no. 89.
    (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 07.01.2022 Scopus)
  8. Miethlich, B., Belotserkovich, D., Abasova, S., Zatsarinnaya, Е., Veselitsky, O. Transformation of Digital Management in Enterprises Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Institutions and Economies, 14(1), pp. 1-26.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 08.01.2022 Scopus)
  9. Balayev, R., Mirzayev, N., Bayramov, H. SUSTAINABILITY of URBANIZATION PROCESSES in the DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT: FOOD SECURITY FACTORS Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Administratio Locorum, 20(4), pp. 283-294. (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 09.01.2022 Scopus)
  10. Mamedov, Z., Vygodchikova, I., Aliev, A., Gurieva, L., Rud, N. Modeling Multivalued Dynamic Series of Financial Indexes on the Basis of Minimax Approximation- Energies, 15(1), art. no. 366.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 10.01.2022 Scopus)
  11. Aliyev, K. Unemployment and (un)happiness: Life satisfaction approach to enhance policy efficiency for developing countries-
    Journal of International Studies, 14(4), pp. 220-235.
    (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 12.01.2022 Scopus)
  12. Nuriyev, M.N., Jafarova, A.M.
    - EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, pp. 74-84.2022, (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 20.01.2022 Scopus)
  13. Orujov, N.G. Recognition Criteria and Classification of Investment in Tangible Assets-Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 10(1), pp. 25-36.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 20.01.2022 Scopus)
  14. Jafarov, M.A., Nasirov, E.F., Kazımzade, A.H., Jahangirova, S.A. Synthesis and characterization of nanoscale material ZnS in porous silicon by chemical method-
    Chalcogenide Letters, 18(12), pp. 791-795., 2021
    (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 20.01.2022 Scopus)
  15. Ibragimov, T.D.
    Dielectric and conductivity properties of liquid crystal MBBA doped with SWCNTs
    -Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 22.01.2022 Scopus)
  16. Morrow, N., Mock, N.B., Gatto, A., Lemense, J., Hudson, M. Protective Pathways: Connecting Environmental and Human Security at Local and Landscape Level with NLP and Geospatial Analysis of a Novel Database of 1500 Project Evaluations, Land, 11(1), art. no. 123.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 22.01.2022 Scopus)
  17. Huseynov, E.M., Naghiyev, T.G., Abbasov, N.R. The paramagnetic approach of the color-changing of nano h-BN particle under the neutron irradiation Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 139, art. no. 115124.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 23.01.2022 Scopus)
  18. Huseynov, E.M., Naghiyev, T.G. Various thermal parameters investigation of 3C-SiC nanoparticles at the different heating rates Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128(2), art. no. 115.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 23.01.2022 Scopus)
  19. Mukhtarov, S.
    The impact of carbon pricing on international competitiveness in the case of Azerbaijan

    Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2022
    (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 26.01.2022 Scopus)
  20. Tagiyev, M.M., Abdinova, G.D., Barkhalov, B.S.
    Extruded Material Based on Bi0.85Sb0.15 for Thermoelectric Converters
    , Russian Physics Journal.2022(bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 26.01.2022 Scopus)
  21. Mukhtarov, S., Mikayilov, J.I., Maharramov, S., Aliyev, J., Suleymanov, E.
    Higher oil prices, are they good or bad for renewable energy consumption: The case of Iran?
    - Renewable Energy, 186, pp. 411-419.2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 28.01.2022 Scopus)
  22. Mikayilova, R., Alekperov, R.
    Method for Diagnostics and Selection of the Type of Market Structure of Commodity Markets Based on Fuzzy Set Theory
    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 362 LNNS, pp. 732-740.,2022
    (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 29.01.2022 Scopus)
  23. Kalantarly, N., Rzayeva, I., Hasanov, V. Assessment of the Economic Efficiency of Investment Projects Using a Fuzzy Inference System-Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 362 LNNS, pp. 645-653.,2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 29.01.2022 Scopus)
  24. Jabbarova, K.I., Jabbarova, A.I. Application of ELECTRE Method to Decision Making Under Z-number-valued Information-Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 362 LNNS, pp. 214-220. 2022 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 29.01.2022 Scopus)
  25. Sadik-Zada, Elkhan Richard Political Economy of Green Hydrogen Rollout: A Global Perspective-Sustainability Volume 13, Issue 23 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 03.01.2022 Web of Science)
  26. Sadik-Zada, Elkhan Richard, Niklas, Britta Business Cycles and Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from a Nonlinear Panel ARDL Approach,- Journal of wine economics (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 30.12.2022 Web of Science)
  27. Abbasova, Khatira E, Khanmamedov, Agil K. One remark on the inverse scattering problem for the perturbed Stark operator on the semiaxis- Georgian mathematical journal (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 08.01.2022 Web of Science)
  28. Agarwal, Ravi P., Shakhmurov, Veli B. Integral type Cauchy problem for abstract wave equations and applications-Applicable analysis (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 07.01.2022 Web of Science)
  29. Muradov, Adalat, Tuzcuoglu, Ferruh, Bolukbasi, Yusuf Ziya The Construction of Geography by Nationalism: Homeland, Motherland, Fatherland-Khazar journal of humanities and social sciences, Volume 24, Issue 1, Page 5-24 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 06.01.2022 Web of Science)
  30. Jafarov Nazim, Aslanli Araz Russia's Policy During the 44-Day Karabakh War-Insight Turkey Volume 23, Issue 4, Page 213-+ (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 01.01.2022 Web of Science)
  31. Shakhmurov, Veli B, Shahmurov, Rishad, Regularity properties and blow-up of the solutions for improved Boussinesq equations-Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations Issue 89, Page 1-21 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 14.01.2022 Web of Science)
  32. Gasimov, A. A, Hajiyev, G. B On Management Evaluation Of Oil-Gas Industry Enteprises In Modern Economic Condition-Socar Proceedings Issue 3, Page 100-105 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 13.01.2022 Web of Science)
  33. Mamedov Zahid, Vygodchikova Irina, Aliev Ayaz, Gurieva Lira, Rud Natalia, Modeling Multivalued Dynamic Series of Financial Indexes on the Basis of Minimax Approximation-Energies Volume 15, Issue 1 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 18.01.2022 Web of Science)
  34. Tagiyev, M. M, Abdinova, G. D., Barkhalov, B. Sh Extruded material based on bi0.85sb0.15 for thermoelectric converters-Russian physics journal Volume 64, Issue 9, Page 1592-1598 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 21.01.2022 Web of Science)
  35. Ibragimov, Tahir Djumshud Dielectric and conductivity properties of liquid crystal MBBA doped with SWCNTs - Fullerenes nanotubes and carbon nanostructures (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 25.01.2022 Web of Science)
  36. Huseynov, Elchin M, Naghiyev, Tural G Various thermal parameters investigation of 3C-SiC nanoparticles at the different heating rates-Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, Volume 128, Issue 2 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 22.01.2022 Web of Science)
  37. Zhan Yan, Hajiyev Nazim, Smirnov, Valerii Tariff and non-tariff instruments of OPEC plus trade wars-Energy strategy reviews Volume 38 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 20.01.2022 Web of Science)
  38. Aliyev, I. I., Ahmedova, C. A, Mursakulov, N. N, Abdulzade, N. N., Abbasov, I. I., Bakhtiyarov, A. L., Gashmov, Kh M. Investigation of the glass formation region and optical properties of the phases obtained in the As2S3-CdSe system-Functional materials, Volume 28, Issue 4, Page 701-708 (bazaya qəbul olunma tarixi 21.01.2022 Web of Science)