2023-cü ilin mart ayı üzrə UNEC nümayəndələrinin 29 elmi əsəri nüfuzlu elmi nəşr platformalarında indesklənib.

Bu elmi əsərlərin 17-si Scopus, 12-si isə Web of Science elmmetrik bazalarında yer alıb. İndekslənən elmi əsərlər aşağıdakılardır:

1.Kalankesh L.R., Rodriguez C.S., Alam A., Khosravan Sh., Meshki M., Ahmadov E., Mohammadpour A., Bahri N., Socio-Environmental Determinants and Human Health Exposures in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Iran-Narrative Review, jurnal Environmental health insights, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Volume16, DOI10.1177/11786302221089738, APR 2022, Web of Science

2.Pashayeva A, Typological comparison of quantitative category in the medieval Azerbaijani literary language (XV century), jurnal Selcuk universitesi turkiyat arastirmalari dergisi-selcuk university journal of studies in turcology, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Issue 56, Page 207-218, DOI10.21563/sutad.1222259, Web of Science

3.Mantilla C., Murad Z., Ego-relevance in team production, jurnal Plos one, Q2 kvartil, Volume 17, Issue 12, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0279391, Web of Science

4.Sadik-Zada E.R., Gonzalez E.D.R., Gatto A., Althaus T., Quliyev F., Pathways to the hydrogen mobility futures in German public transportation: A scenario analysis, jurnal Renewable energy, Q1-Q2 kvartil, Volume 205, Page 384-392, DOI10.1016/j.renene.2022.12.087, Web of Science

5.Abdullah S., On the Solution of Dynamic Stability Problem of Functionally Graded Viscoelastic Plates with Different Initial Conditions in Viscoelastic Media, jurnal Mathematics, Q1 kvartil, Volume 11, Issue 4, DOI10.3390/math11040823, Web of Science

6.Hanalioglu Z., Poladova A., Khaniyev T., Approximation results for the moments of random walk with normally distributed interference of chance, jurnal Turkish journal of mathematics Q3 kvartil, Volume 47, Issue1, Page333-350, DOI10.55730/1300-0098.3363, Web of Science

7.Shakhmurov V.B., Kurulay M., Sahmurova A., Gursesli M., Lanata A., Interaction of Virus in Cancer Patients: A Theoretical Dynamic Model, jurnal Bioengineering-Basel Q2 kvartil, Volume 10, Issue 2, DOI10.3390/bioengineering10020224, Web of Science

8.Shakhmurov V.B., Mahmudov E.N., The Controllability Problem for Abstract Wave Equations and Its Applications, jurnal Mediterranean journal of mathematics Q2-Q3 kvartil, Volume 20, Issue 3, DOI10.1007/s00009-023-02327, Web of Science

9.Abdullayev A.P., Rzayev R.M., Naghiyev T.G., Mammadova J.P., Aliyev S.S., Musazade I.V., jurnal International journal of modern physics B, Q3-Q4 kvartil, DOI10.1142/S021797922350248, Web of Science

10.Tas A., Tuzun B., Khalilov A., Taslimi P., Agbektas T., Cakmak N., In vitro cytotoxic effects, in silico studies, some metabolic enzymes inhibition and vibrational spectral analysis of novel amino alcohol compounds, jurnal Journal of molecular structure Q3 kvartil, Volume 1273, DOI10.1016/j.molstruc.2022.134282, Web of Science

11.Celik B., Cagiltay K., The undervalued variable in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) research: An analysis and conceptualization of readiness for online learning in MOOCs, jurnal Education and information technologies, Q1 kvartil, DOI10.1007/s10639-023-11662-3, Web of Science

12.Sofiyev A.H., A new approach to solution of stability problem of heterogeneous orthotropic truncated cones with clamped edges within shear deformation theory, jurnal Composite structures, Q1 kvartil, Volume 304, DOI10.1016/j.compstruct.2022.116411, Web of Science

13.Abdullayev A.P., Rzayev R.M., Naghiyev T.G., Mammadova J. P., Aliyev S.S., Musazade I.V., Determination shape of the potential well of traps in TlGaTe2 crystals, jurnal International Journal of Modern Physics B, Q3 kvartil, 2023, Scopus

14.Abdullah S., On the Solution of Dynamic Stability Problem of Functionally Graded Viscoelastic Plates with Different Initial Conditions in Viscoelastic Media, jurnal Mathematics, Q1 kvartil, 11(4), art. no. 823., Scopus

15.Drago C., Gatto A., Measuring energy poverty and energy vulnerability, jurnal Sustainable Cities and Society, Q1 kvartil, 92, Scopus

16.Shakhmurov V.B., Navier–Stokes Problems with Small Parameters in Half-Space and Application, jurnal Siberian Mathematical Journal, Q3 kvartil, 64(1), pp. 181-201.,2023, Scopus

17.Shakhmurov V.B., Kurulay M., Sahmurova A., Gursesli M.C., Lanata A., Interaction of Virus in Cancer Patients: A Theoretical Dynamic Model, jurnal Bioengineering, Q2 kvartil, 10(2), Scopus

18.Özgül B., Zehir C., How Managers’ Green Transformational Leadership Affects a Firm’s Environmental Strategy, Green Innovation, and Performance: The Moderating Impact of Differentiation Strategy, jurnal Sustainability (Switzerland), Q1-Q2 kvartil, 15(4), 2023, Scopus

19.Akbulaev N., The Financial Literacy of the Population as a Factor of Social Development, jurnal International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Q2-Q3 kvartil, 13(1)., Scopus

20.Drago C., Gatto A., Comments on “Detecting the research trends and evolution of energy resilience: a bibliometric analysis” by Yu et al. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-23768-1), jurnal Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Q1-Q2 kvartil, Scopus

21.Sadik-Zada E.R., Gatto A., Grow First, Clean Up Later? Dropping Old Paradigms and Opening Up New Horizons of Sustainable Development, jurnal Sustainability (Switzerland), Q1-Q2 kvartil, 15(4), art. no. 3595., Scopus

22.Peipei W., Eyvazov E., Giyasova Z., Kazimova A., The nexus between natural resource rents and financial wealth on economic recovery: Evidence from European Union economies, jurnal Resources Policy, Q1 kvartil, 82, Scopus

23.Tiurina A., Petrunenko I., Guliyeva S., Qazizade E., Aliyeva T., Social responsibility and modern business during the global crisis: threat or opportunity for the GUAM member countries, jurnal Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, Q3 kvartil, 10(2), pp. 201-212., Scopus

24.Purhani S., Huseynova A., Hakimova Y., Kashiyeva F., Guluzada E., Features of capital investment in innovation: the case of industrial SMES in the guam member countries, jurnal Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, Q3 kvartil, 10(2), pp. 281-292., Scopus

25.Verdieva N.A., Jafarov M.B., Rzayev R.M., Naghiyev T.G., Effect of gamma irradiation and Dy atoms on the thermal conductivity of TlInSe2crystals, jurnal International Journal of Modern Physics B, Q3 kvartil, Scopus

26.Abbasova S., Aliyeva M., Huseynova L., Accounting information transparency and business performance: A case of G7 construction companies, jurnal Problems and Perspectives in Management, Q1-Q2-Q3 kvartil, 2022, 20(4), pp. 518–531, Scopus

27.Ilyasov A., Imanova S., Mushtagov A., Sadigova Z., Modernization of quality assurance system in higher education of Azerbaijan, jurnal Quality in higher education, Q2 kvartil, Volume 29, Issue 1, Page 23, Scopus

28.Naghiyev T.G., Thermophysical study of neutron irradiated silicon nitride nanoparticles, jurnal Modern Physics Letters B, Q2-Q3 kvartil, Scopus

29.Aliyeva I.K., Naghiyev T.G., Aliyeva E.R. jurnal Modern Physics Letters B, Q2-Q3 kvartil, Scopus

Azərbaycan Dövlət İqtisad Universiteti (UNEC) nümayəndələri nüfuzlu elmmetrik bazalarda indekslənən elmi nəşrlərə əsərlərini təqdim edərkən mənsub olduğu ali təhsil müəssisəsi kimi “Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)” qeyd etməlidir. Belə ki, tədqiqatçıların Scopus və Web of Science müəllif profilləri onların elmi əsərləri bu elmmetrik bazalarda indeksləndiyi zaman Clarivate Analytics və Elsevier şirkətləri tərəfindən yaradılır. Bununla yanaşı eyni soyadlı, adlı tədqiqatçıların nəşr fəaliyyətindəki kəmiyyət, keyfiyyət göstəricilərində, müəllif profillərində və mənsub olduğu universitetlərdə əks olunmada qarışıqlığın yaranmaması üçün tədqiqatçılar tərəfindən ORCID qeydinin yaradılması, indekslənən elmi əsərlərin Google Scholar axtarış və Research Gate sistemlərinə əlavə olunması (https://unec.edu.az/video-carxlar/) məqsədəuyğun hesab olunur.

Əlavə məlumat almaq üçün EFTİED Elmmetrika şöbəsinə https://unec.edu.az/elmmetrika-sobesi/ müraciət edə bilərsiniz.